O’Levels Oral Exams 2023 – Planned Response Oral Questions (English 1184)

English O’Levels 1184: How to answer Oral Planned Response Question 


In the new syllabus for GCE O Level English Language Paper 4, students are challenged to think critically and they have to present their opinions fluently in the form of a Oral Planned Response. The main objective in this is to effectively to engage the listener through a well organised, interesting Planned Response. It is pivotal to note that 10 out of 15 marks are allocated to delivery. Some common questions that students have would be “How then do you structure a planned response so that it can be easily understood?” 

Read on for our useful template to structure your planned response or contact us now and we will link you up with one of our MOE (current or ex MOE teachers) for a one-to-one session for oral crash course preparation.

We have a strong team of qualified ex and current MOE teachers who can help you improve your grades. You can also access our free Listening Comprehension Videos for O’levels English Listening Comprehension Specimen Paper (based on 1184) here. 

Looking for past year EL Oral questions or 2024 O’Levels English Oral questions (complete with suggested answers for members), click here

Alternatively, you can also check out 2023 O’Levels English Oral (Syllabus 1184) Questions below with their recommended approach. 

List of Oral Questions for 2023 English O’levels

Day 1: Character Development / UG

Day 2: Elderly  

Day 3: Greenery / Neighbourhood

Day 4: Haze / Environment


Day 5: Education

Day 6: Technology

Day 7: Sports



How can you get good grades for Planned Response component? Two key points to note. 

  1. Know the Requirements: You will watch a video which shows people watching a lion dance performance (sample question). After watching the video, you will be required to plan a two minutes Planned Response with the given prompt. The prompt will ask you for your opinion on either the recommendations that you have e.g. “What do you think can be done to …?” or your preference about something (a career, an activity) or the “Who do you think is/are watching this / what feelings they have?” Candidates’ main concern should be “Am I answering the question?, organisation, time management and making sure that they are answering the Planned Response with relevant and well considered examples and pronunciation / intonation. 

2) Cherish the preparation time to brainstorm: As you watch the video, think about how you will respond to the following prompt. You can consider using the 5Ws and 1H approach to brainstorm, examine the prompt closely and prepare a 2-mins speech that will answer the prompt. You should not exceed the time. A good guide will be to prepare two PEEL paragraphs that answers the examiner’s question. You will be given paper and need to submit the paper to examiners at end of the 10-mins prep session.

Possible Prompts for this question:
Would attending such an event appeal to you? Why or why not? 

Who do you think are the audience watching this event? What do you think the audience are thinking as they watch such an event? 


These are some of the typical planned response questions during Oral Examinations. On the day of your oral, you will be given ten minutes to view a video. The audio of the video is inconsequential. You should focus on the theme of the video. Candidates are expected to plan and deliver a two-minutes response to the 1 minute video clip and accompanying prompt presented on a computer screen. 


How to approach the planned response question?

Step 1: Brainstorm on possible questions while watching the video. You can consider using 5Ws and 1H method. 

Step 2: Pay attention to the prompt and work your answer around it. You should have two PEEL paragraphs as part of your response, drawing reference to the video when apt. You are expected to use your own personal stories or other facts to support your opinion. 

Step 3: Consider using this template in setting up your PEEL response

Need more help?

Get a tutor to help you with English, Math and more! Contact us and let us connect you with our team of MOE and NIE trained tutors for English Tuition today. We have a strong team of experienced ex and current MOE Teachers who are able to help you achieve better grades.


Watch our youtube for O’levels Oral Practice questions and you will soon be on your way to scoring distinctions. Stay tuned and subscribe for more free tips on oral English for PSLE and O’levels. 

Check out the O’levels Oral questions for 2023 Day One here



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