Why is the iGCSE Business Studies tuition becoming so popular in Singapore?

iGCSE Business Studies

In IGCSE Business Studies, students will be exposed to the fundamentals of business topics that will helps them develop their critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of adding value. This will involve consideration of the management of organisations and in particular the process of decision-making in a dynamic business world.

Students will also study business behaviour from the perspective of different stakeholders including customers, managers, shareholders and employees. Students will be aware of the economic, environmental, ethical, legal, social and technological issues associated with business activity. Business Studies draws on a variety of disciplines which are interrelated.

How will students be assessed?
Paper 1 – Short answers and structured data responses (1 hour 30 minutes) 50% of final marks.
Paper 2 – Four questions based on a case study (1 hour 30 minutes) 50% of final marks.

Although Business Studies may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but few can deny that it is a rather pragmatic humanities subject. If you have already chosen iGCSE Business Studies as your major, you can reach out to our strong team of Business Lecturers and Tutors from international schools that can help you succeed. Our iGCSE Business Studies tuition are available online and face-to-face, do contact us here.


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