PSLE English 2022 Question – A Long Wait (Model Essay) 小六PSLE英文优秀作文



新加坡小六会考2022年的PSLE English 就是以“(漫长)的等待” 作为主题, “A Long Wait” 

请阅读我们学生的优秀作文。 要如何才能写出高雅亮洁的好文章?让我们的英文补习老师帮助您的孩子提高写作技能!今天就联络我们吧。

PSLE MODEL ESSAY: 2022 A Long Wait

As I gathered myself and try my best to hastened toward the door to greet my mother, the rampant thudding in my heart got louder. Unease slithered down my spine. My legs turned jelly. I could feel myself wobbling uncontrollably.

“What did the doctor tell them? Is it finally over?” I thought to myself grimly. As the door swung open,  a draft of air hits my face, the air was warm and with a tincture of bleach. I have been trapped in this hospital ward for weeks yet the acrid smell of the hospital never fails to assault my senses. I looked with anticipation at my mother’s weary face, hoping that she will give me some answers that I’ve longed for. 

“Can I leave now?”

“Carin, hang in there. The doctor has not told us the results yet.” my mother whispered as she stroked my cheeks gently, wiping away my tears. 


“This is not fair!” I whimpered as I ran my hand over the rough paint on the hospital wall. I could feel my insides squirm in a way they haven’t done before. I absolutely hate this place. This cold, unfeeling and upsetting place. 

 “How long more must we wait?” I begged for an answer in a soft voice.

My mother bit her lips in an attempt to stop them from quivering. I could feel her body press in, soft and warm as she enveloped me in a hug so tight, it was as if she was worried it would be for the last time.

“Just a few more days, sweetheart. The doctor said we can go home today but we have to come back in three days for the results” she answered tenderly, pointing at the doctor’s letter with a date circled in red ink and a note scribbled ‘White Blood Cell Count Results.”


“I cannot do this anymore, Mummy! Please let me stop all these tests!” I screamed inconsolably, my energy depleting along with my tears. 

The day finally came and we headed back to the dreaded hospital waiting room again. Everything was the same. The rooms, the outfits, the pain. Nothing felt different and I was losing sight of when, if ever, this nightmarish ordeal would ever end.

“Carin Tan Xiyue” I heard the nurse called my name and I nearly jumped out of my seat.

“He’s ready to see you now,” the nurse announced as she opened the door, motioning for my mother and I to enter. I dragged my feet into the doctor’s room reluctantly, moving to sit opposite the doctor, a man in his late forties with heavy brown-rimmed glasses that kept sliding down from his nose. 


 “I have good news for you Carin. Your wait is finally over . That was your last chemotherapy session,” the doctor cheerfully declared. Your cancer cells have been destroyed.”

As he uttered these words, I could not believe my ears. Tears of relief rolled down my cheeks. I thought to myself, “Of the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.” I am so glad that this long wait is finally over. 

时间如此短暂而又如此公平,不同的人对待它截然不同,有人视时间为生命,分秒必争,为人类作出了许多贡献;而有人却不然,他们碌碌无为虚度光阴,时间的价值在他们的身上完全消失 了,这样的人生又有何意义而言呢?家长们,时间就是如此,如果你是一位智者,请珍惜身旁的每分每秒吧! 2023一转眼就到了,今天就 Whatsapp 我们,让我们的老师们帮助你的孩子吧!#新加玻英文补习



English O’Levels 1184: How to answer Oral Planned Response Question 


In this new syllabus for GCE O Level English Language Paper 4, students have to present their ideas and opinions fluently and effectively to engage the listener through Planned Response. 10 out of 15 marks are allocated to delivery. Some common questions that students have would be “How then do you structure a planned response so that it can be easily understood?”

Read on for our useful template to structure your planned response or contact us now and we will link you up with one of our MOE (current or ex tutors) for a one-to-one session for oral crash course preparation.

We have a strong team of qualified ex and current MOE teachers who can help you improve your grades. You can also access our LC Videos for Listening Comprehension Specimen Paper (based on 1184) here. 


You can also check out 2023 O’Levels English Oral (Syllabus 1184) Questions below with their recommended approach. 

List of Oral Questions for 2023 English O’levels

Day 1: Character Development / UG

Day 2: Elderly  

Day 3: Greenery / Neighbourhood

Day 4: Haze / Environment


Day 5: Education

Day 6: Technology

Day 7: Sports



How can you get good grades for Planned Response component? Two key points to note. 

  1. Know the Requirements: You will watch a video which shows people watching a lion dance performance (sample question). After watching the video, you will be required to plan a two minutes Planned Response with the given prompt. The prompt will ask you for your opinion on either the recommendations that you have e.g. “What do you think can be done to …?” or your preference about something (a career, an activity) or the “Who do you think is/are watching this / what feelings they have?” Candidates’ main concern should be “Am I answering the question?, organisation, time management and making sure that they are answering the Planned Response with relevant and well considered examples and pronunciation / intonation. 

2) Cherish the preparation time to brainstorm: As you watch the video, think about how you will respond to the following prompt. You can consider using the 5Ws and 1H approach to brainstorm, examine the prompt closely and prepare a 2-mins speech that will answer the prompt. You should not exceed the time. A good guide will be to prepare two PEEL paragraphs that answers the examiner’s question. You will be given paper and need to submit the paper to examiners at end of the 10-mins prep session.

Possible Prompts for this question:
Would attending such an event appeal to you? Why or why not? 

Who do you think are the audience watching this event? What do you think the audience are thinking as they watch such an event? 

These are some of the typical planned response questions during Oral Examinations. On the day of your oral, you will be given ten minutes to view a video. The audio of the video is inconsequential. You should focus on the theme of the video. Candidates are expected to plan and deliver a two-minutes response to the 1 minute video clip and accompanying prompt presented on a computer screen. 



How to approach the planned response question?

Step 1: Brainstorm on possible questions while watching the video. You can consider using 5Ws and 1H method. 

Step 2: Pay attention to the prompt and work your answer around it. You should have two PEEL paragraphs as part of your response, drawing reference to the video when apt. You are expected to use your own personal stories or other facts to support your opinion. 

Step 3: Consider using this template in setting up your PEEL response

Need more help?

Get a tutor to help you with English, Math and more! Contact us and let us connect you with our team of MOE and NIE trained tutors for English Tuition today. We have a strong team of experienced ex and current MOE Teachers who are able to help you achieve better grades.

Watch our youtube for O’levels Oral Practice questions and you will soon be on your way to scoring distinctions. Stay tuned and subscribe for more free tips on oral English for PSLE and O’levels. 


Check out the O’levels Oral questions for 2023 Day One here

