Planned Response Question (Topic: Elderly)

Video: Candidates were shown a 1-min video of elderly women coming together to make wigs. 

How to tackle the Oral Planned Response Question:

For planned response, students must present a 2-minute response (usually this means two PEEL Paragraphs) to answer the question. You can refer to your written notes. Use 5Ws and 1H when you are brainstorming for answers. Be certain to answer the prompt, identify keywords and present your thoughts confidently. Refer to our earlier post on O’levels 1184 Planned Response Format

Planned Response Question:

Are the elderlies in the video making good use of their time? Why or why not?”

Suggested Approach:

Candidates are to present a 2-mins response on why they feel that or don’t feel that the Seniors in the videos are doing something meaningful with references to what the Seniors are doing in the video. Candidates can explain how it is heartening to see the elderly engaging themselves in such gainful employment and how this gives seniors a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It provides them with opportunities to contribute to society, stay engaged, and feel valued for their skills and experience. This sense of purpose can positively impact their mental and emotional well-being, reducing the risk of feelings of isolation or boredom.

Well considered responses can mention how they are engaging in mentally stimulating activities, such as making wigs, can help maintain cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline in elderly individuals. Staying mentally active through employment/activity can contribute to better memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive abilities. 

Spoken Interaction

2) What do you think can be done to get the elderly to pursue lifelong learning?

Candidates can mention how the learning needs and approach for elderly may differ from younger people. Candidates can draw from their own life observations of how they witness / observe their own grandparents’ lifestyle and behaviour as they recommend solutions for these group of seniors in their golden years.

For instance Candidates can mention how they observe that their grandparents/neighbours encounter challenges in learning such as not being able to keep pace with the class or use digital technology, to emotional hurdles like fear of speaking up in class or a lack of motivational support and learning resources. Hence to encourage them to learn, the programmes must be designed specifically to cater to their varied learning needs. Some other suggests may include how society can foster a environment that is supportive of lifelong learning or how elderlies can be partnered with youths, subsidies to be given (in doing so we breaking down barriers to provide affordable learning to Seniors.)

Q3: Do you think it is possible to bridge the generation gap between the young and the elderly?

Suggested approach: 

Candidates should state their stand clearly. 

For candidates who feel that it is indeed a possibility to bridge the differences between the two generations can cite how it has been said that as the saying goes “The generation gap is nothing more than a communication gap.” Candidates can then proceed to cite how with regular communication and mutual communication between the two generations, it is indeed a plausible idea.

Well considered responses will recognise how initially it may seem like an uphill task to bridge the gap between generations but in this digital age with the advent of technology, it is not as far fetched as one may imagine.


Candidates can mention how it is possible to bring the two generations together by harnessing on powers of technology and how technology can be used in bridging the generation gap by facilitating communication, knowledge sharing, and mutual understanding between different age groups. For instance, the rise of tik tok senior influencers and how growing trend of seniors embracing technology. It is absolutely critical for candidates to be able to link the answer back to narrowing the gaps between the two generations and not digress to arguments espousing the benefits of technology. 

Candidates can also mention how society and government can play a part in bringing the two generations closer, for instance, through Intergenerational Projects. Some examples that can be mentioned may include events that was held by ground-up initiative GenLab Collective in Singapore to bring together the young and older adults through games and conversations. During the event, youth-senior pairs can play games such as quiz to discover their love language, raced to complete a scavenger hunt and shared memories about objects from their childhood. In doing so, seniors share work, life experiences with these youth thus promoting intergenerational bonding. Candidates can end with how these shared activities can break down barriers and create bonds based on mutual interests and goals.

Looking for more oral notes and oral practice questions? How do you answer a O’Levels Oral Planned Response Question? Subscribe to our channel for exclusive videos, see below for oral tips like commonly mispronounced words by Singaporeans.


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