“I got my O’Levels results. Should I choose a Polytechnic over a JC?” The best guide to choosing JC or Poly

“Should I choose JC over Poly?” is THE perennial question that all secondary students (or their parents) have to ask themselves.

Despite the pandemic, the 2021 batch of Sec Four and Sec Five students achieved the best O-level results in at least 30 years with close to 90% of the students attaining 5 or more passes. This is indeed impressive and reflects strongly the resilience of our students in Singapore.

According to the Ministry Of Education, over 50 percent of the 20,300 students who took O’levels in 2020, were posted to the five polytechnics. Another close to 40 percent of these O’levels holders were allocated slots in Junior Colleges and MI. Other 10 percent were posted to ITE. 

In every cohort of graduating Secondary 4 and 5 students, there will always be some students who have long decided on a polytechnic education. More often than not, this group of students are aware of their career aspirations and are keen to go to poly to further their goals vocationally. They are almost certain of their career path and see poly as a natural stepping stone that provides key industrial insights to their future career. Typically, these students are motivated and have the blessings of their parents, and they would choose to go for Early Admissions Exercise (known as EAE or the DSA route to Poly) so as to secure their ideal course before the release of O’levels results. 

There exists another group (which arguably may make up the majority) where these Secondary Four students would hover on ambivalence, and would keep their options open till they receive their results. Like most typical sixteen and seventeen year olds, they are uncertain about their career path and see the O’level results as a push and determinant nudge towards their future. They adopt ‘see-how’ mindset and will only decide and take the final plunge when they received their results.

Whichever group you belong too, in today’s blog post, let’s look at the advantages of choosing JC over Poly vice versa. 



Advantages of choosing JC  Disadvantages of choosing JC
1) Shorter duration – Two years over three years at a Polytechnic.  1) Potentially overwhelming workload – the JC Workload can be challenging and the pressure is on to perform above or within expectations within a span of less than two years for a high key national examination. 
2) A more direct route and better chance to enter local universities – With the current pandemic, it has become increasingly more appealing and competitive for students to stay in Singapore. Statistically, over 70 percent or more JC students get into Uni while 30% Poly students get into Uni (Local). There is admittedly more certainty to get into the local Universities when you go to JC.  2) No real change in the environment. The school rules continue, CCA remains similar and subjects available are still close to those offered in secondary. 
3) JC are more cost effective – It is cheaper (for Singaporeans especially). The cost of school fees for a non independent JC is less than $10 per month. School Fees for Polytechnic on the other hand is around $250 per month. Tuition grants are available for students. In addition to this, there is no need to factor in a ‘wardrobe budget’, in JC , you wear Uuniforms every day. Hurray for the budget and eco conscious. Another serious consideration that you need to have is that if you value a local University degree but have no budget to go overseas, JC is definitely a very attractive option. 3) Lack freedom, You feel ‘kiddie’ and a Fashionista nightmare – Unlike the Poly students, JC students can only wear their uniforms. Rules are stricter and you have your usual assembly and other familiar obligations. There are limited subjects to choose from and most are extensions from secondary school. 


4) It is similar to secondary school and you do not have to decide on your preferred course yet. A plus for students who have yet to decide on their career routes, JC would ‘buy more time’.  4) You will need to take another major national exams, the A’Levels in less than two years. You are stuck with subjects like GP which have gained the notoriety of being ‘hard to pass/score.’ Just as you are ‘recovering’ from O’Levels, you are ushered into another round of preparation for yet another National Exam. 

Choosing Poly or Jc is definitely a daunting task. Admittedly, It may seem more prestigious ‘to go on the ‘Junior College’ route, which is a path that leads to the studies of even more theoretical applications. However, it is pivotal to consider your own strengths and weaknesses before making the decisions. Do not choose a route because your best friend is choosing it. Talk to your seniors, parents or the school career counsellors, whatever your choice may be, our team of former and current MOE teacher tutors will be able to support you in your journey to academic excellence. Our online GP tuition starts from just $35 onwards. Get in touch with us today and let us support you in your academic endeavours with the best tutors in Singapore. 


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