How I got to the JC of my choice through SPERS


When I was ten, my mother uprooted the whole family and brought us to Hong Kong. She has just gotten a job in HR at HSBC. The unsuspecting bright-eyed ten-year-old that I was hurrayed at that idea and immediately rejoiced at the prospect of a “long holiday”. This long vacation lasted five years and some time in late 2019 and early 2020, my mom made plans to bring my younger brother and I back to Singapore due to the spate of protests, unrest and the last trigger was obviously Covid. That was when I suddenly heard of the term ‘SPERS’ – the re-entry route to local schools just for Singaporeans. 

Through referrals from my mom’s colleagues in Singapore, we were introduced to The Learning Space and enrolled for their SPERS intensive programme focusing on English and Math. I had less than six months to finish the ENTIRE upper-sec syllabus and I truly had no idea where and how to start. Our family contemplated continuing with the IB syllabus that we were more familiar with in Hongkong but decided against it as it would limit our choices and stretch our budget. 

I remembered vividly that my mom made a few calls and some emails and before I knew it, I started my SPERS tuition online. To be frank, I resisted the idea of tuition. I mean come on, ask any pubescent teenager if they desire tuition, I think a majority will give a resounding NO! Now, looking back, I am so glad that I had tuition. Without which, I do not think I can ever qualify for a top JC like VJC. What I felt most grateful for was the fact that I didn’t have to do this on my own. I was lucky enough to get proper help and my tutors knew the SPERS syllabus at the back of their hand. I knew I could pass, I didn’t know that I actually aced it. 

So till today, I am still grateful for my mom and her insistence of me getting professional tutoring for SPERS instead of just roping in my cousin in NUS (whom I appreciate) to coach me on weekends. It took a lot of stress away from us as a family. I also like to thank my grandma and grandpa for letting us stay at their place when we came back. Last but not least, I would also like to thank my tutors for their time and dedication. Without all these people, I don’t think I would be able to achieve such spectacular progress. 




This email comes from one of our students who has achieved their desired results through our SPERS online tuition programme. 

Get in touch with us today for an immediate SPERS placement diagnosis test and be paired with our team of highly qualified MOE Teachers and tutors today. 

For more information on SPERS and AEIS programme, whatspp us today. The application period for the 2022 SPERS-Sec will start in July 2022. Tests will be conducted in September or October 2022. These periods are tentative; details will be available on MOE website by end of April 2022.


Returning Singaporeans who are unable to return to Singapore for the SPERS-Sec tests may participate in the supplementary placement exercise which will be announced at a later date. 


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The Learning Space