MOE Primary 1 Syllabus for English: How to Help Your Child Prepare for Show and Tell

Primary 1 Show and Tell: Free template for Show and Tell and important tips to Help Your Child Prepare


What will your children be learning for Primary 1 English? 

One of the key learning objective for Lower Primary English is to build a solid foundations in linguistics, primarily in three core areas:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Writing and speaking proficiently
  3. Core grammar fundamentals and vocabulary.

Your child will need to acquire basic comprehension skills, build a fortress of rich vocabulary and sound grammar.

In today’s blog, we will focus on what you can do to help your child ace the Primary 1 Show and Tell.

What is Show and Tell? 

In line with MOE’s direction to impart 21st Century Competencies to our students. Show and tell is a form of assessment and a requirement for all Primary 1 and Primary 2 children who do not have formal examinations.

Show and Tell is akin to public speaking, where the school teachers will impart public speaking skills to the children based on different themes.

Most kindergartens in Singapore have already introduced to the concept of show and tell at preschool, when they are encouraged to bring an item from home and share or explain to the class why they chose that particular item, where they got it from and other relevant information. For instance, children at K1 and K2 levels will get Parent-and-Child assignments like “Recycling” where they will construct a project artwork with recycled products about their neighbourhood and present them in schools. 


What are the benefits of Show and Tell ?

  1. Increase the child’s confidence to speak up in a group setting.
  2. They will also learn to craft story-telling skills, as well as conceptual thinking to make the presentation cohesive. 
  3. Learn key social skills like learning to listen to others respectfully when others are presenting.


What is the weightage for Show and Tell?

For most schools, it is conducted as a weighted assignment and comprises about 25% of the Primary One English Language score.


How can you help your child prepare for Primary One Show and Tell?

As teachers usually give ‘Show and Tell’ as a weighted assessment during Term 2 or Term 3, you can  talk to your children at the start of the term about Show and Tell. Take comfort that primary schools will generally provide a Show and Tell Primary 1 template for you to work with. Most Primary One students will be given two to four weeks advance preparation time. The school will also inform the parents and send instructions to parents on how to help prepare their children for the two-minute speech. 

How do schools conduct show and tell?

Different schools have different format. In Temasek Primary, it is termed as ‘Pick and Tell’ where children will pick a card with. a question or prompt. Based o n what they have chosen, the child will be given time to talk about the topic. The topics selected by school teachers follow the MOE parameters and are usually simple ones like “My favourite food”, “My Hobbies.” or “My family”. 

How will students be graded?

Students are graded on three areas: Content, Language and Presentation Skills. 


Is it relevant? The teacher will be looking out for the ideas to the given topic and the organisation of the presentation like if the order of the sequence of events, if the student is about to share the content in a logical manner.



Pronunciation counts. Click here for a video on the most commonly mispronounced words in Singapore. This is where you will definitely need to aware of the possible pitfalls in mispronunciation.  The teacher will review if the student meets the level of Primary One English.  They will listen out for accurate pronunciation of words, correctly formed grammatical sentences and the usage of any high-level vocabulary words. 

Presentation skills

Watch the posture and body language. The teacher will be on a lookout to see if the student have good body language and eye contact. Make sure that your child is able to project his/her voice. 

Your child is not allowed to read from any notes or cue cards during the show and tell. Do note that you will need to have some form of practice and memorisation of lines.


Final tips on scoring AL1 for that Show and Tell!

  • Let your child lead and support your child in preparing the material such as selecting the pictures or research on the topic. This will give your child better understanding of the subject and more confidence, not to mention, a sense of control over the final output.
  • Prepare a plan and arrange the sequence of the presentation.
  • Encourage your child to use his/her own words as much as possible.
  • Practise with your child. Prepare to record and video your child practicing so they can see  themselves in action. This will also highlight areas that he/she can improve on.
  • Remind your child to maintain eye contact, increase voice volume, enunciate words properly and add some appropriate gestures during the presentation.
  • Have fun and be encouraging 



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