List of Past Year O’Levels English Oral Questions (including 2023 O’Levels Oral Questions EL Syllabus 1184)



O Level English Oral Questions – Latest Syllabus 1184

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Are you looking for past year English O’levels Oral Examination Questions for G3 English? Look no further, we have compiled a list of oral ten year series questions including the 2023 O’Levels English Oral Questions  for latest EL Syllabus 1184. 

Click here for 2024 O’level English Oral Exams Day 1 to Day 8 questions with suggested answers, more notes and day by day response.

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2023 English Oral Questions Latest Syllabus 1184

Day  Topic /Syllabus Questions
Day 1 1184

Topic: NS Men/ Uniformed Groups

Planned Response: Who might be watching this event and what do you think they are thinking?

Spoken Interaction

Q2: How do you think parents and schools can build character in youths?

Q3: “Uniform Group should be compulsory as a CCA.” Do you agree?

Day 2 1184

Topic: Society – Elderly + Youth 

Planned Response: Were the elderly women in the video making use of their time wisely? 

Spoken Interaction


Q2: How can we encourage the elderly to learn new skills? 

Q3: It has been said that “It is it hard to bridge the generational gap.” Do you agree? 

Day 3 1184

Topic: Environment 

Planned Response: Do you think it is important to have more of such open spaces, why or why not?

Spoken Interaction


Q1 What would you do to improve your neighbourhood ?

Q2 Singapore is reputed as a Garden City. Do you think it is important to have green spaces? 

Day 4 1184

Topic: Environment 

 Planned Response: How do you think the haze is going to affect the people living in the city?

Spoken Interaction

Q2: Why do you think these environmental issues are important to you and people in Singapore?

Q3: Do you think our daily activities are done at the expenses of the environment? In your opinion, what steps do you take to protect the environment?

Day Topic / Video O’Levels 2023 Oral Questions
Day 5 1184 Education Planned Response: Does the idea of engaging in hands-on activity appeal to you? Why or why not?
Q2: Which do you prefer? Studying in a group or on your own?
Q3: Do you think that academic grades are worth more than what you learn in school?
Day 6 1184 Technology 

Planned Response: Has your opinion of robots changed after watching the video?

Q2: Can robots ever replace the roles of teachers?

Q3: It has been said that Technology has greatly improved teaching and learning in schools. How far do you agree with this statement?

Day 7 1184 Sports

Planned Response: Do you think the demanding training has taken the fun out of playing table tennis for these two boys? Why or why not?

Q2: Do you think playing sports competitively is beneficial?

Q3: Do you think too much emphasis is placed on students’ academic achievements rather than sports development?

Day 8 1184 Education / Teamwork

Planned Response: Do you think the activity has any value, why or why not?

Q2: Do schools provide opportunities for group activities?

Q3: Do you think that schools should focus more on group or individual achievements?

G3 Secondary English O’levels Oral Past Year Questions 

Day Question 1 Question 2 Question 3


Day 1 Transport

What will you feel if you are one of the people lining up in the queue? Tell me about what you like and what do you not like about public transport. Do you think public transport should be the only mode of transport for now and in the future?


Day 2 Exercise & Health

How do you think the people in the race are feeling? Would you like to be in a competition? Do you think all children should participate in competitions?


Day 3 Science & Technology

How do you think the people are feeling? What games did you play when you were younger? How far do you agree that children nowadays have less opportunity to play games?

Day 4 Arts & Culture; National Identity

How do you think the people in the video are feeling? Would you enjoy having a hobby like this one? Why, or why not? How far do you agree that it is important to preserve traditions and customs? Why, or why not?


Day 5 Shopping in Singapore

Why do you think the people in the video are receiving a massage?


Would you like to have a job in a shopping mall? Why or why not?

Some people say that there are too many shopping malls in Singapore. Do you agree?

Day 6 Arts & Culture

What do you think the people in the video were thinking of? Would you like to busk/perform in the streets as well? Performances in public or in theatres are not beneficial to anyone. Do you agree?

Day 7 Tourism; Human Qualities and Values

What do you think the people in the video are feeling? Talk about a theme park you visited or you would like to visit. Some say that people can have a good time without money. Do you agree?

Day 8 Exercise and Health; Human Qualities and Values

What do you think the people in the video are thinking? Tell me about a sport competition you’ve participated in or watch a competition or something How far do you agree that competing with others can allow one to achieve great things in life?

Day 1 Human Qualities and Values

How do you think the people in the video might be feeling about the work they are doing? Tell me about a job you think would be exciting to do. Some people think it’s more important that you focus on your studies and not worry about what job to do in the future. What do you think?

Day 2 Science & Technology

How do you think the people in the video are feeling about playing this game together? What do you think is a good way of spending time with family or friends and why? Some people say that playing any game is a waste of time. What do you think?

Day 3 Human Qualities and Values

How do you think the three people are feeling about sitting in the park together? Tell me about an occasion when you spent time with someone much older than you. Would you agree with the view that old and young people can never really understand each other because their lives are so different? Why or why not?


Day 4  Education

Why do you think the people in the video are using their laptops? Where do you prefer to do your homework, and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet for doing homework and studying?

Day 5 Arts & Culture

How do you think the people in the video are feeling about making music? Describe an event you have been to where music played an important part. Some people think it is better to listen to music from other countries than to listen to music from their own country. What do you think?

Day 6 Human Qualities and Values

What do you think the children in the video enjoy about playing in this park? Do you often spend time in parks with friends? Why or why not? Some people think it’s better for children to do organised leisure activities rather than play in parks. What do you think?

Day 7 Exercise and Health

How do you think the people in the video are feeling about taking part in this cycling event? Would you like to take part in an event like this? Why or why not? Some people think that children shouldn’t compete in sports, but should just do them for fun. What do you think?

Day 1 Human Qualities and Values

How do you think the people in the picture are feeling about having this meal together? Tell me about an event that has happened in your local area. Some people say that it is as important to get to know your neighbours as it is to spend time with family and friends. What do you think?

Day 2 Exercise and Health

Would you like to be in the crowd watching a match like the one in the picture? Tell me about a team sport you have played or watched. Some people say that team sports such as basketball are the best way to get exercise. What is your opinion?

Day 3 Environment Issues & Animal Welfare

What might the people in the picture be thinking? Tell me about a way your school or neighbourhood works to protect the environment. ‘One country on its own cannot be effective in protecting the environment; countries need to work together.’ What is your opinion?

Day 4 Science & Technology

How would you feel if you were in the queue in the picture? Do you think a cashless society would change the way you spend your money? Why or why not? Some people say that using cash all the time is safer than using internet banking. What are your views?

Day 5 Transport; Environment Issues & Animal Welfare

How do you think the people in the picture might be feeling about their journeys? Tell me about a journey you have made or would like to make. ‘In order to reduce pollution people should travel only when necessary.’ What do you think?

Day 6 Education; Science & Technology

How do you think the students in the picture might be feeling? Tell me about the different ways you use technology for your studies at school or at home. It has been said that in the future we will not need schools because all learning can take place online. Do you agree?

Day 7 Environment Issues & Animal Welfare; Education (values)

Why do you think this photograph was taken? Would you enjoy the opportunity to work with animals? Why or why not? Do you agree it is important for students to have the experience of volunteering and taking part in projects? Why, or why not?

Day 8 Education

Would you like to spend the day with your family in the same way as the people in the picture? Tell me about a vacation with your family that you really enjoyed. Some people think that students do not need a long vacation from school and should have shorter breaks. What is your view?
2018 Day 1  Arts & Culture; Science & Technology Why do you think this picture was taken? Are you interested in history? Why, or why not? Do you agree with the view that we no longer need museums because we can find out everything we need to know from the internet? Why, or why not?
2018 Day 2 Human Qualities and Values; Exercise and Health How do you think the people in the picture are feeling about their training? Tell me about something you do to keep fit and healthy. Some people say that going to a gym is an expensive waste of time. What do you think?
2018 Day 3 Education What might the children in the picture be thinking? Which school subject do you find exciting, and why? How far do you agree with the view that science is the most important subject for students to study?
2018 Day 4 Science & Technology What do you think the students in the picture might be reading about? Tell me about something you have read recently in a newspaper, magazine or blog. Do you think it is better for people to read from books than to read online? Why, or why not?
2018 Day 5 Human Qualities and Values Do you think the students in the picture enjoy taking part in the cooking competition? Why, or why not? Describe for me a competition you have taken part in at school or elsewhere. Do you agree with the view that it is good for students to compete against one another? Why, or why not?
2018 Day 6 Exercise and Health; Science & Technology How would you describe the children’s feelings in the picture here? Which game did you really like playing when you were a child, and why? Some people say that young people should be encouraged to do activities outside rather than stay indoors playing computer games or watching television. What is your opinion?
2018 Day 7  Tourism Why do you think the people in the picture are visiting Coney Island? Tell me about another place in Singapore that you think tourists should see. How far do you agree with the view that tourism is always a good thing?
2018 Day 8 Education Why do you think this photograph was taken? Tell me about a useful course outside school that you have taken or would like to take. How far do you agree with the view that students should focus on their main school subjects and should not take courses outside school?
2018 Day 9 Arts & Culture Would you enjoy going on a school trip like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? Tell me about the kinds of pictures or posters you would like to have in your school. Why? Some people believe that studying art at school is a waste of time. What do you think?
2018 Day 10 Exercise and Health What do you think the people in the picture might find difficult about taking part in this race? Would you like to join a running club and run races? Why, or why not? ‘Playing team sports is a better way to get exercise than doing individual sports like running.’ Do you agree?
2017 Day 1 Arts & Culture How do you think the people in this picture are feeling about the art exhibition? Are you interested in visiting art galleries and museums? Why, or why not? Some people say that no one should have to pay to go to art galleries and museums. What do you think?
2017 Day 2 Exercise and Health Would you ever join a dance like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? How important is doing exercise for you and your friends? Why? Do you agree that more could be done to promote exercise in your country? Why, or why not?
2017 Day 3 Shopping in Singapore What do you think the woman on the left in the picture is thinking? Do you think it is better to shop in supermarkets or in smaller shops? Why? How far would you agree that people’s lives would be easier if they had less choice when shopping?
2017 Day 4 Science & Technology How do you think the people in the picture are feeling about their experience? Why? Is it important to you and your friends to have the latest mobile phone? Why, or why not? Some people say that the use of mobile phones has had a negative effect on our relationships with other people. Why do you think?
2017 Day 5 Transport; Environment Issues & Animal Welfare How would you feel if you were making this journey like the people in the picture? Why? What is your favourite way to travel around Singapore? Why? Some people say that cars should not be allowed in city centres because they are bad for the environment. What do you think?
2017 Day 6 National Identity What might the child on the back of the bicycle be thinking about the decorations in the street?  What does Singapore’s National Day mean for you and your family? Why? How important do you think it is for countries to celebrate national days? Why?
2017 Day 7 Exercise and Health How do you think the people in the picture might be feeling? Why? What do you think is a good leisure time activity for young people of your age? Why? How far would you agree that nowadays people do not spend enough time doing outdoor activities? Why?
2017 Day 8 Tourism; National Identity Why do you think the people in the picture are performing by the river? Would you take an overseas friend on a sightseeing tour of Singapore in the evening? Why, or why not? Some people believe you cannot really get to know a city unless you live there. What do you think?
2017 Day 9 Human Qualities and Values; Education Who do you think took this photograph? Why? Do you think it is a good idea for children to learn a lot of skills at an early age? Why, or why not? Some people think that secondary school students should concentrate on their schoolwork and not spend time learning other things like how to dance. What do you think?
2017 Day 10 Human Qualities and Values Why do you think this photograph was taken? Is there anyone whose achievements you admire? Why? Some people think it is better to do one job throughout your career and not to change jobs. What do you think?
2016 Day 1 Transport What do you think the woman on the right in the picture might be feeling? Tell me about how you travel to school every day. Do you think public transport should be free for everyone? Why, or why not?
2016 Day 2 Education How do you think the children in the picture are feeling about learning to cook? Tell me about a dish that you can cook, or that you enjoy eating. Should cooking be a subject that all students learn at school? Why, or why not?
2016 Day 3 Arts & Culture What impression do you have of the people in the picture from the expressions on their faces? Tell me about a concert you attended, or listen to on television or radio. Some people say it’s better for children to study hard than to spend a lot of time learning to play a musical instrument. What is your opinion? 
2016 Day 4 Education Would you find an activity like the one shown in the picture relaxing? Why, or why not? Tell me about a holiday or a school trip that you have enjoyed. Some people say we work too hard and do not take enough holidays. What is your opinion?
2016 Day 5 Education What do you think the family in the picture might do next? Tell me about a family event that you have attended. How far would you agree that we do not spend enough time doing things with our families these days?
2016 Day 6 Human Qualities and Values; National Identity How would you think the two women at the front of the picture are feeling? Would you like to go to another country as part of an exchange programme? Why, or why not? Do you think you need to live in a country to understand the people who live there? Why, or why not?
2016 Day 7 Exercise and Health How do you think the people in the picture feel about doing aerobics? What have you found is the best way to keep fit and healthy? Why? ‘Children should spend less time playing computer games and more time keeping fit.’ What do you think?
2016 Day 8 Environment Issues & Animal Welfare; National Identity What impression do you get about the zoo in the picture? Tell me about your favourite place in Singapore. ‘Some people say that no animal can ever be really happy in a zoo.’ What is your opinion?
2016 Day 9 Science & Technology What does the picture suggest to you about the people using the mobile phones? Tell me about a time when you really needed to use your mobile phone. Do you think our lives would be better without mobile phones? Why, or why not?
2016 Day 10 Shopping in Singapore Do you like shopping in markets like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? Tell me about a shopping experience you have had recently. ‘In the future, we will not need shops or markets because most shopping will be done online.’ What are your views?
2015 Day 1 Exercise and Health; Human Qualities and Values Would you enjoy playing an energetic sport like hockey? Why, or why not? If you were on a losing side, how would you motivate yourself to keep trying? How far would you agree with the view that winning is not always the most important thing?
2015 Day 2 Environment Issues & Animal Welfare Would you like to own a pet like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? Would you like to work as a vet? Why, or why not? How far would you agree that we all have a responsibility for the animals of the world, especially those that are endangered?
2015 Day 3 Arts & Culture Would you enjoy being part of this performance? Why, or why not? What do you think you might learn from being involved in a live performance? How far would you agree that people who work behind the scenes for any performance – stage, film or TV – deserve as much credit as the performers?
2015 Day 4 Human Qualities and Values Would you like to learn skills like the one shown in the picture? Why, or why not? Tell me what happened at a time when you needed to be self-reliant. ‘Having confident in yourself is one of the main keys to achieving any kind of success.’ How far would you agree?
2015 Day 5 Exercise and Health; Human Qualities and Values Can you imagine being as active as the people in the picture when you are old? Why, or why not? Do old people that you know keep fit and active? Tell me about them. How far would you agree with the view that it is good for young and old people to do things together?
2015 Day 6 Arts & Culture Do you think the people in the picture like the art on display? Why, or why not? In what ways do you and your friends use your creative talents? Do you think that people can be taught to be creative? Why, or why not?
2015 Day 7 Shopping in Singapore  Would you enjoy shopping in the type of place you see in the picture? Why, or why not? In what ways have your family’s shopping habits changed in recent times?  How far would you agree that much of the shopping we do is unnecessary?
2015 Day 8 Exercise and Health Do you enjoy firework displays? Why, or why not? Tell me about a sporting event you have attended or seen. How far would you agree that encouraging sport in schools is more important than promoting competitions for top athletes?
2015 Day 9 Human Qualities and Values Do you enjoy having your hair cut or styled? Why, or why not? Would you consider a career in hairstyling? Why, or why not? To what extent do you agree that we pay far too much attention to how we look?
2015 Day 10 Human Qualities and Values; Education Would you enjoy taking part in the activity in the picture? Why, or why not? Tell me about an activity you have taken part in, or watched, which has inspired you. How far would you agree that basic self-defence should be taught in all schools?
2014 Day 1 Human Qualities and Values Would you enjoy being part of a performance like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? Some students just give up if they fail or don’t do well at something. How would you encourage them to keep trying? How far would you agree with the view that determination is the secret of success?
2014 Day 2 Education  What skills do you think might be needed to succeed in this activity? What would you do to encourage a reluctant team player to be a better member of the team? Why is it important for schools to focus on helping students to become good team players as well as individual achievers?
2014 Day 3 Arts & Culture Would you enjoy watching a performance like this? Why, or why not? In your opinion, what makes a performance good or bad? How far would you agree that live performance is more satisfying for an audience than recorded entertainment?
2014 Day 4  Environment Issues & Animal Welfare How might you feel if you looked out of your window one morning and saw this scene? How do you think communities can prepare themselves for the possibility of natural disasters? Some people think that natural disasters are becoming more frequent. How far do you agree that human activity is causing this?
2014 Day 5 Human Qualities and Values Would you like to be a clown? Why, or why not? How important is laughter to you and your friends? How far would you agree that being able to see the funny side of things is an important human quality?
2014 Day 6 Education; Human Qualities and Values Would you enjoy attending a school reunion like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? How do you think students can be helped to make a smooth transition from school to higher education or work? When choosing a career, what are the important points that need to be considered? 
2014 Day 7 Exercise and Health Do you think exercise bikes are a good way to keep fit? Why, or why not? Many people find exercise boring. What do you think could be done to make it more appealing? Would you agree that your parents’ generation was much fitter than your own? Why, or why not?
2014 Day 8 Transport How would you feel if you were part of this crowd? What kind of improvements would you like to see to the public transport in your area? How far would you agree that more flexible working hours would be the best way to solve commuting problems?
2014 Day 9 Transport How do you feel about people crossing the road like the ones in the picture? What measures do you think can be taken to discourage people from jaywalking? How far would you agree that pedestrians are more important than vehicles?
2014 Day 10 Human Qualities and Values Do you enjoy meeting people from different countries? Why, or why not? How do you think friendships between young people from different countries can be encouraged? Do you agree that visiting other countries help us to understand the people who live in them? Why, or why not?
2013 Day 1  Exercise and Health Would you enjoy taking part in organised exercise activities like the one in the picture? Why, or why out? What sort of problems might a lack of fitness bring to our daily lives? How far do you think that it is the responsibility of every citizen to keep themselves as fit as they can?
2013 Day 2 Environment Issues & Animal Welfare What would you enjoy about visiting a park like this? What is your opinion about the green spaces in the area where you live? How far would you agree that having green spaces in built-up areas is vital to the well-being of a community?
2013 Day 3  

Human Qualities and Values

How would you feel if you were as famous as the singer in the picture? What might be the possible disadvantages of becoming famous at an early age? How far do you agree that celebrities have a duty to act as responsible role models for their fans?
2013 Day 4 Exercise and Health Would you enjoy the kind of activity shown in the picture? Why, or why not? What can people learn from taking part in adventure activities? How far would you agree that people who take part in extreme sports are irresponsible?
2013 Day 5  Transport How useful do you think it would be to have a bicycle check like the one in the picture?  Can you think of any ways in which the roads could be made safer? Tell me about them. How far would you agree with the view that people who cause danger on the roads should receive severe punishment?
2013 Day 6
Aging Population 
How do you think someone this age would enjoy being made up like this? In what ways can young people help to enrich the lives of the elderly? How far would you agree with the view that an ageing population is one of the major problems facing modern society?
2013 Day 7  Human Qualities and Values Would you enjoy taking part in an event like the one in the picture? Why, or why not? What are some other ways to raise money for charity? How far do you agree that giving to local charities should always come first before giving to overseas charities?
2013 Day 8 Human Qualities and Values Would you enjoy taking part in this activity? Why, or why not? What kinds of problems might occur on family days out? Some people say, ‘Because life today is so hectic, it is important for all families to spend more quality time together.’ How far would you agree with this view?
2013 Day 9  Environment Issues & Animal Welfare How do you think the collection of bottles in the picture is being organised? What kind of incentives might be used to encourage people to recycle more? How far would you agree with some people’s view that recycling is a waste of time?
2013 Day 10 Transport How do you think you would feel if you were part of this crowd? What other kinds of problems might commuters sometimes face? Would you agree with the view that, in the future, many of us will work from home?
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