2024 小六会考西区中学排名前五名
瑞士村中学提供优质的学术课程并强调体育与军事训练。学校在各类体育项目中屡获佳绩,特别是在Floorball /地板曲棍球和篮球方面。学校也有多个优秀的)制服团体(Uniform Group,培养学生的领导能力与团队精神。- 辅华中学
辅华中学不仅在学术上有优秀的表现,还在舞蹈与体育方面展现了突出的成绩。学校的SYF舞蹈队获得了2023年舞蹈活动的优秀奖,并且羽毛球B组西区冠军也是辅华中学的骄傲。 - 锦文中学
锦文中学是一所注重科学、技术、工程与数学(STEM)教育的学校。学校提供广泛的课外活动,包括军训团、SYF乐队与戏剧,帮助学生在艺术与科技领域取得卓越成就。 立才中学
立才中学致力于推动STEM教育,并且在国际科学戏剧短片比赛中获得金奖。学校的多元化活动为学生提供了丰富的学习体验,帮助学生m们在学术、创意和领导力方面全面发展。立才中学位于两个教学区之间,拥有一片生机勃勃的雨林。学校有个Eco-Garden、室内花园,它们将大自然带入校园的中心。这些多样化的空间在学校对生态管理的承诺中发挥着令人兴奋的作用,并丰富了课程。想为孩子找个补习老师吗?我们有ex-MOE老师和现任MOE老师可以帮助您的孩子。 WhatsApp 93646977. 要名校免费卷子?
Ranking of Secondary Schools in the West for PG3 (G3 Express)
Hello Westies! Congratulations on the release of your child’s PSLE results! This is a significant milestone, and we commend your child for their hard work and dedication. If you are still fretting over which school to choose, you should check out our 2024 PSLE Secondary School Guide here. Keen on enrolling your child into a SAP Secondary School? Check out ranking and cut-off-points of SAP Secondary Schools here for PSLE 2025 students.
As you may know, based on their results, your child has been assigned to one of three Posting Groups:
- PG1 (formerly known as Normal Technical)
- PG2 (formerly known as Normal Academic)
- PG3 (formerly known as Express)
We understand this is an exciting time, and to support you in the next steps, we have compiled a list of the top-ranking secondary schools in the West.
We have compiled a list of ranking of secondary schools in the West for students eligible with PSLE Score 4-20 PG3 (Express). We hope this guide will help you make an informed and confident decision as your child embarks on their next chapter of education.
We ranked these 5 popular secondary schools in the West (Jurong, Clementi and Bukit Batok) for G3 Express students who scored between 6 to 13 points and listed the school’s special programmes, DSA Talent Areas and recent awards. The unofficial school ranking list is definitely not exhaustive but it gives a fair idea to students who are qualified and keen to enrol into the schools. We have narrowed down the list further and listed an unofficial top school ranking by district (according to their PSLE cut-off points and achievements).
Nan Hua High School (Top Ranking G3 School in Clementi)
How to get into Nan Hua High?
- Badminton (Girls and Boys)
- Basketball (Boys)
- Chinese and Modern Dance (Girls and Boys)
- Chinese Calligraphy (Girls and Boys)
- Chinese Drama (Girls and Boys)
- Chinese Orchestra (Girls and Boys)
- Choir (Girls and Boys)
- Concert Band (Girls and Boys)
- Debating (Girls and Boys)
- English Drama (Girls and Boys)
- Guzheng Ensemble (Girls and Boys)
- Harp Ensemble (Girls and Boys)
- Leadership (Girls and Boys)
- Netball (Girls)
- Softball (Girls)
- Table Tennis (Girls and Boys)
- Track and Field (Girls and Boys)
Nan Hua High is a SAP School (Autonomous) with only G3 (4 years to SEC / O’Levels)
Strengths: Bicultural Studies, SYF Arts (Chinese Orchestra, Guzheng, Drama, Harp)
Affiliation None (not-affiliated to Nan Hua Primary) and no JC affiliation
Swiss Cottage Secondary School (Top Ranking G3 School in Bukit Batok)
How to get into Swiss Cottage Secondary School?
Via DSA / Strengths
- Badminton (Girls)
- Basketball (Girls and Boys)
- Bowling (Boys)
- Chinese Orchestra (Girls and Boys)
- Choir (Girls and Boys)
- Floorball (Girls and Boys)
- Football (Boys)
- Leadership (Girls and Boys)
- Military Band (Girls and Boys)
- Science for Sustainable Development (Girls and Boys)
- Affiliation None
Fuhua Secondary School (Top Ranking G3 School in Jurong West)
How to get into Fuhua Secondary School?
Via DSA / Strengths:
- Applied Sciences – Forensic Science (Girls and Boys)
- Badminton (Girls and Boys)
- Chinese Orchestra (Girls and Boys)
- Choir (Girls and Boys)
- Concert Band (Girls and Boys)
- Shooting (Girls and Boys)
- Table Tennis (Girls and Boys)
- Tchoukball (Girls and Boys)